Search Engine Optimization is an integral part of marketing strategy. It helps in improving the visibility of the website. When a user searches for a query and your brand offers something related to the query but your website does not appear on the first three pages of the Search Engine Result Page, that means something is not working right. That something is SEO.

SEO means optimizing your website or more precisely your content so that it appears in search result pages. If done correctly, you can reap several benefits, especially increased traffic.

Users are always searching for one thing or another. If you are offering relevant content that answers their questions, this translates into increased web traffic. The lead generation improves significantly which leads to higher conversions. Higher conversions mean more sales.

Why does the SEO strategy change?

seo strategy change

The biggest search engine – Google makes frequent changes in its algorithm and hence, you need to keep shoulder to shoulder with these changes to reap optimal results. As Google is focused on the needs of the audience, you can expect several minor changes every once in a while.

So, the SEO strategy that worked 2-3 years ago is not going cut today. Your website needs more than that because the search engine enhances its algorithm and the use of AI is changing the scenario. The latest example is Google BERT. It uses natural language processing (NLP) which includes searcher intent and the context of search queries.

What are some SEO tips, tricks, or hacks?

seo hacks

For staying relevant in 2021, you are going to need the latest hacks. These SEO tactics should be inclusive in your core marketing strategy. As you integrate them into your strategy, implement them and improve your visibility and traffic.

Here are the top 7 SEO tips to boost your ranking in 2021

Mobile Optimization

mobile optimized

Most of the audience is going to be using mobile phones to search their queries. A good user experience on your website should not only offer solutions but also fit the resolution of your customer’s mobile phone. A mobile-friendly website is going to be a huge differentiator in 2021.

You can test the mobile-friendliness of your website via Google’s free mobile-friendly test.

Focus on users & their search intent

focus on user intent

This is going to be the focal point in 2021 as the searchers’ intent and behavior keep changing all the time. After the Covid19 pandemic, the changes have accelerated at an unprecedented rate.

When you understand the nature of why people search, only then your business can benefit from the answers you are providing.

Quality videos

good quality video

Video marketing is booming and bringing huge traffic. The potential, however, remains untapped even at this point. Your business should make quality videos that drive traffic. By offering meaningful and relevant videos, you can engage and make each visitor stay a little while longer on your website.

Cisco is suggesting that video will make up 80 percent of all online traffic in 2021.


google rich snippets

These are the results that pop up on search engine pages right after ads. They are accompanied by an image, table, or video and hence, they stand out so well that users will at least have a look at them.

Make your snippets clear and concise with headers that are easy to read and scan. And make sure cross-device usability.

Website analytics setup

google analytics

Analytics help you determine how well your website is performing. For that, you will need goals. So, jolt down how much traffic, leads, and sales you want in 2021 and use analytics to observe the performance.

Google Tag Manager allows you to understand various aspects and keep track of downloads.

Voice search

Google has stated that 27 percent of the users use voice search on their mobile phones. Users look for specific answers when they are using voice search and hence, they are more likely to convert if your website provides them with an answer.

While optimizing for voice search keep an eye on keywords and create persona-based content. Also, ensure that your website response time is low and images are optimized for cross-devices.

People Also Ask

You need to use the People Also Ask feature because of its untapped potential. Many a time, your competitors will often overlook People Also Ask feature and here you can benefit as people also ask has grown about 40 percent in recent years.

With these seven tricks, you can boost your website ranking. To continue your growth, dive deeper into SEO techniques for optimal results. Also, look out for hacks that your competitors are not using as you can benefit from those tricks and watch your site excel.