Since the Covid19 pandemic onset, there has been a steep migration towards the digital domain. The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation. Now, organizations are augmenting their online presence because that is where their customers are spending more and more time.

Businesses are looking to increase their organic traffic. They search for the best tools that will help them achieve the goal. The digital domain, however, is cramped with so many tools, they often find themselves grappling for solid grounds.

With a plethora of choices, it is easy to get overwhelmed. To help you on your digital journey, we have picked up the top digital marketing tools used by marketers. This article will explore the best digital marketing tools of 2021 that you can boost your digital marketing efforts and bag the results.

Which are the best marketing tools to use in 2021?


An essential tool with a wide range of prices to suit your marketing needs and budget. It is a vital tool for seamless inbound marketing strategy as it offers integration to boost lead generation, sales, streamline customer service, etc.

The best part about HubSpot, they have a lot of free tools in their inventory and you can get a feel of them before you go paid versions. It is highly recommended that you try all of the tools and get the gist of them. From web forms, popup forms, to live chat, free CRM, HubSpot covers all the tools your business needs. As you go for paid versions, the software only gets sophisticated leading to more traffic, leads, and increased ROI.


A flawless email marketing strategy tool, MailChimp is of the top email marketing providers and digital marketing tools. It offers a free plan if you have less than 2000 subscribers and you have restricted to 12,000 emails per month. Easy to get your hands and get the feel of it without investing a dime.

Over 250 billion emails are sent via MailChimp each year. It retains its top spot because it is simple, efficient, and gets the job done without any hassle.

Once you feel comfortable with it, you can move onto paid plans as your audience grow and you need more emails. Its self-service support provides all the necessary answers to all your questions.



To stay at the forefront of the digital sphere, you need SEO. For this, Moz offers both free and paid SEO tools. With software and data solutions, you can use Moz to boost traffic and ranking with ease. It enables you to perform audits, keyword research, and check your search engine ranking.

Moz stands apart from its competitor thanks to its SEO data and backlink analysis. Also, it crawls through your website, finding technical SEO issues and suggesting how to improve them. With keyword performance index, Moz provides you with traffic driving options that are best suited to your industry.



Your business is going to need professional-looking graphics to entice your customers. But to design beautiful and impactful graphics you need years of experience or hire a graphics designer.

To help you save time and money, Canva offers a wide array of templates, clip art, and fonts to design social media images, CTA buttons, and infographics. This simple drag and drop design platform is a perfect tool if you have no experience in designing and don’t have access to more professional software like Photoshop.

Google Analytics

google analytics

One of the top tools from Google, if you don’t have Google Analytics, we suggest you get it right away. It will only take a while to integrate Analytics in your website, but the power it offers is unparalleled. With it, you can track every action of your visitor and on which page they are spending most of their time.

Analytics helps you find the set of keywords and campaigns that are driven most of the traffic. With these insights, you can align your strategies with your goals and get the most of your marketing efforts.



A research and monitoring tool helping you to identify trends around your industry topics. BuzzSumo is a must for your content marketing strategy. With it, you can generate a blog or social media idea to create impactful content that is assured to drive traffic.

It is a paid platform with 7 days free trial.



A content management tool, Trello is great for brainstorming and strategizing. It has a visually pleasing design and free for small teams and businesses. You can assign tasks via cards to your team members so that you have an idea who is in charge of what.

Get Trello for improved collaboration and clarity on projects.